Welcome to People Pedigree

Why do genealogy?


There are several reasons that people get caught up in the spirit of genealogical work. Here are just a few:

•  Learning about your roots can help you understand yourself better. . . where you came from, why you are here . . . and where you are going.

“Those who are unfamiliar with history are doomed to repeat it”

•  To join some societies you need to know your lineage.

Some groups and societies focus on descendants of ancestors (Native American tribes, Daughters of the American Revolution, The Society of Mayflower Descendants, United Daughters of the Confederacy to list a few).

•  Religious beliefs.

LDS believe in providing ordinance work for the dead, etc.

•  Medical histories.

Family history of diabetes, cancer, heart problems, genetic diseases, psychiatric issues or symptoms are asked by doctors every time you have a complete physical examination.

•  The thrill or need to discover an ancestor.

Heirs or just to get acquainted with living family or the history of non-living family is always exciting and give you a feeling of belonging.

Regardless of your reason, I am here to help. I can help the hobbyist break through a ‘brick wall', or to prove your Native American ancestry for tribal membership, find a living member of your family or heir research, help you answer some of those family stories or questions, or just find out where you came from.

Take a few moments and peruse through my website. See what is available and enjoy your journey as you travel through the annals of time and history of your family.

Nehemiah 7:5 And my God put into mine heart to gather together the nobles, and the rulers, and the people, that they might be reckoned by genealogy. And I found a register of the genealogy of them which came up at the first, and found written therein, ….